These services are for your spiritual awareness, and not meant as a substitute for mental health services or counseling sessions with a licensed therapist.

Intuitive Reading

What Happens in an Intuitive Reading?

At the time of your appointment, Barbara-Joyce will give you a call at the phone number you provide.

Barbara will instruct you to sit in a distraction-free area and in a comfortable position and walk through a grounding exercise with you. After which you can discuss what you would like to focus on. It is recomended that you have questions prepared for this session. From there, Barbara-Joyce focuses on working with her intutive guides to focus on channeling.

It is helpful to record your session. The information given to you in this reading will likely have multiple layers that will reveal themselves over time.

Channeling is a function of the intuitive mind and is an opportunity to experience an expanded viewpoint and energy.  This helps us to understand an expanded meaning behind the events of our lives. An Intuitive Reading can help you explore the energy surrounding you, gain understanding in your life and suggest ways to make desired changes.

Dream Interpretation

What Happens in a Dream Interpretation Session?

At the time of your appointment, Barbara-Joyce will give you a call at the phone number you provide.

Barbara will instruct you to sit in a distraction-free area and in a comfortable position and walk through a grounding exercise with you. After which she will ask you to tell her about the dream you are interested in interpreting.

Through channeling, Barbara-Joyce experiences an expanded awareness that will allow her to access communication with her guides to interpret your dream and its implications for your daily life.